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Children’s Literacy Initiative

Provides educators with training and coaching in practices for early literacy instruction from prekindergarten through third grade. 

The workshops and institutes build teachers’ understanding of literacy and the art and science of teaching children how to read and write. 

The Classroom Kit: Numeracy and Literacy Resources K-2

Games are a highly motivational way of teaching emergent literacy skills to young children, but can be expensive to buy and time consuming to make. 

The games available on this website can be downloaded, printed, or laminated and packaged to form a huge collection of resources that address a wide range of concepts and levels of reading. 

Florida Birth to Five Early Learning Standards

In an effort to understand what children should be able to accomplish as they move from birth to five years of age, the Florida State Board of Education adopted the Florida Early Learning and Developmental Standards. These standards will assist in planning experiences and activities with young children. 

Valuable information and tips for supporting a child's development in the first five years are included throughout the website. 

Florida Speech

Florida Speech is an independently owned and operated private speech language pathology network serving the Greater Orlando area. The website contains information about emergent literacy. 

Goodling Institute for Research in Family Literacy

The Goodling Institute provides national leadership that promotes the value of family literacy and supports program improvement through research and its application to practice and professional development. 

The annotated list contains a number of literacy-oriented websites useful for parents. 

Literacy for Children With Combined Vision and Hearing Loss

This site is for individuals interested in beginning or enhancing literacy instruction for children with combined vision and hearing loss. 

Its content is also designed to improve literacy instruction for children with multiple disabilities and other complex learning challenges. 

The instructional techniques and tips provided on this site are evidence-based practices for increasing literacy skills. 

National Association for the Education of Young Children

This professional organization works to promote high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age eight, by connecting early childhood practice, policy, and research.  

The website contains a number of position statements on issues related to early childhood education practice, policy and/or professional development for which there are controversial or critical opinions. 

National Head Start

Contains several excellent articles, including Family Engagement and School Readiness, which discusses how positive, goal-oriented relationships with families are key to children’s school readiness and healthy development. 

Ohio Ready to Read

Joint initiative of the Ohio Library Council and State Library of Ohio to educate Ohio's families on the importance of early childhood literacy through resources and activities available at Ohio's public libraries. 

Lists a number of great websites from other states as well as national organizations that promote early literacy practices. 

PBS Parents: Baby Language Development Milestones

Promotes reading and language activities. 

Contains useful information for parents on baby language development. 

Play, Grow, Read: Five Early Literacy Practices to Get Your Child Ready to Read!

Book suggestions, crafts and activities based on five early literacy practices – Talking, Writing, Reading, Playing and Singing. 

Reach Out and Read

Evidence-based, nonprofit organization of medical providers who promote early literacy and school readiness in pediatric exam rooms nationwide. Integrating children's books and advice to parents about the importance of reading aloud is built into well-child visits. 

“Prescription for Success” toolkit is designed for libraries, museums and medical providers to work together. 

Reading is Fundamental: Reading Tips  

Great tips for reading to young children, from reading aloud to singing to cooking with children.

Other tip sheets include reading aloud to babies and reading aloud to toddlers. 

Scholastic Professional Workshop PreK-1

Explores supporting emergent literacy through developing story language, phonemic awareness and phonics in a series of three interactive self-paced workshops. 

State of Colorado Supporting Parents in Early Literacy through Libraries (SPELL)

Blueprint of promising practices for libraries and other agencies to deliver early literacy information and resources to low-income families with young children. 

Suggests library policies, services, community partners and practices that can make the library more accessible and usable for any family. 

Zero to Three: School Readiness and Early Learning

National, nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and know-how to nurture early development in children. 

Contains links to a variety of materials that promote school readiness and early learning.

imls180.for.panel.jpgMany of these resources and programs are funded under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Florida's LSTA program is administered by the Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.
