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    Florida Main Street


    Welcome to Florida Main Street


    What is Florida Main Street?

    Florida Main Street is a technical assistance program with the goal of revitalizing historic downtowns and encouraging economic development within the context of historic preservation.

    Since 1985, Florida Main Street has offered technical assistance to Main Street programs across the state. The program is a part of a network of over 40 nationally recognized programs throughout the country. Florida Main Street is administered by Division of Historical Resources under the Florida Department of State. The program is affiliated with the National Main Street Center and utilizes the National Main Street Center’s Four-Point Approach® which offers a framework for community-based revitalization initiatives.    

    Why Main Street Matters? 

    In the past, the word "downtown" brought to mind an image of a bustling center of commerce and activity. Too often today, the images are of vacant, deteriorating buildings. In Florida, communities like DeLand, St. Petersburg and Ocala have discovered that with the help of Florida Main Street, downtown can thrive again. Florida Main Street encourages economic development and is dedicated to bringing jobs, dollars and people back to Florida’s historic districts.

    Why Support Main Street? Main Street:

    • Creates jobs……..A revitalized district attracts new industry and strengthens service and retail job markets.
    • Saves tax dollars…..Revitalization stabilizes and improves the area’s tax base, while also protecting existing investments.
    • Preserves the community’s historic resources…………In an economically healthy downtown, property owners can afford to maintain their historic buildings and preserve an important part of the community’s heritage.
    • Builds community pride……Main Street provides a public space for members from all areas of the community to come together, create new partnerships, and celebrate their downtown.


    To learn more about the National Main Street Program:

    Main Street Works!

    Florida Main Street can be credited with billions of dollars of reinvestment into communities throughout the state. This high level of reinvestment allows programs to create a place for its community members to learn about the past and create new memories for the future.

    See reinvestment statistics


    Contact Us!

    Phone: 850.245.6345

    FLORIDA MAIN STREET is a Main Street America™ Coordinating Program.  Florida Main Street is administered by the Division of Historical Resources, Florida Department of State. 

     As a Main Street America™ Coordinating Program, FLORIDA MAIN STREET helps to lead a powerful, grassroots network consisting of over 40 Coordinating Programs and over 1,200 neighborhoods and communities across the country committed to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development.



